Thursday, June 18, 2009

My First Blog Ever

I've never really blogged before. I've made a few on myspace a couple of years ago, but who actually reads my myspace blogs? Not many people. Not to say that this blog is going to become a massive internet sensation however.

I think the reason that I haven't ever blogged is because I'm not sure what I would write about. Some people review DVDs, some people are lucky enough to get products in the mail to try out, write about, and then give away, and some offer parenting advice. (I'm sure not in the position to do that, in fact, anyone with advice for raising a 4 1/2 year old boy who constantly ignores instructions, sneaks things that he knows he shouldn't do, and then lies about it, would be greatly appreciated.)

So, I think what I will do is leave it up to anyone who happens to make their way to this blog. What should I write about? Leave comments and give me some suggestions. I may choose any or all suggestions.

Thanks for reading my blog.

1 comment:

  1. What is your area of expertise? It might be easiest for you to write about something that you know. For example, I am a mother of going on four children and I am very concerned about the health problems in this country especially obesity so I started a blog for moms about health.

    What are you interested in? You need to ask yourself these questions before you decide what you are going to write about. Welcome to the blogosphere, good luck and thank you for stopping by Healthy Moms!
